: Ben Richardson

: Assistant Quantity Surveyor

: 07586 288 666

: Ben.richardson@wilcowen.com

Ben is currently undertaking a Degree Apprenticeship programme, diligently working towards the goal of attaining an honours degree in Quantity Surveying. His interest in construction can be traced back to his childhood, influenced by the prior involvement of his grandfather in the industry.

Following a successful work experience placement at WCP, Ben was extended the opportunity to join the company as an apprentice in 2020. Over the course of his journey at WCP, Ben has discovered the likeness between life experience and his academic pursuits, an invaluable blend that has enriched both his degree and his early professional life.

Beyond studying and work, Ben has a passion for cars, with a genuine enthusiasm for all things related. He also finds enjoyment in the sport of golf, and he harbours an adventurous spirit that leads him to explore various corners of the world through travel.

This approach to life mirrors Ben’s personality, one that navigates the demands of his academic and professional aspirations while embracing a diverse range of interests and experiences outside of the workplace and university.